【参】六角形画像(IR Information)

IR Policy / Disclaimeer


IR Policy / Disclaimer

Kidswell Bio Corporation Co.,Ltd. (the Company) aims to offer timely and appropriate information and provide fair disclosure to all of our shareholders and investors. The Company updates corporate information in an accurate, fair and timely manner in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and regulations for “Timely disclosure of corporate information by the issuer of listed securities (Timely Disclosure Rules)” stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Method of disclosure

Information that is required to be disclosed under the Timely Disclosure Rules is released on a timely disclosure update system (TDnet) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The Company regards its website as a key means of providing important information to its shareholders and investors. Accordingly, as far as possible, we actively and fairly disclose even information that is not covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules but that we believe will help the understanding of shareholders and investors.

Quiet period

To prevent leaks of financial results and ensure fairness, the Company observes quiet periods beginning on the day following an account closing date and lasting through the earnings announcement date for each quarter. During this time, the Company does not respond to, or comment on, questions regarding financial results. Nevertheless, if a major discrepancy between actual and projected results becomes likely during a quiet period, appropriate disclosures will be made under the provisions of the Timely Disclosure Rules.

Forward-looking statements

The Company's plans, forecasts, and strategies posted on this website are forward-looking statements based on certain assumptions and information currently available to management and therefore include risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ from these forecasts.

Status of information on this website

The purpose of this website is to help shareholders and investors better understand the Company's management policy, business plan, financial condition, and other information. This website is not intended to solicit purchases, sales, or other investment activities concerning Kidswell Bio Corporation shares. Users of this website are advised to exercise their own judgment in making investment decisions.

Operation of the website

The information on this website is subject to change, and operation of the website itself is subject to discontinuation without notice at any time. While the Company makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information on this website is correct, it does not assume any responsibility whatsoever for any damages resulting from data errors, falsification by third parties, data download, and so forth.

Privacy Policy


Kidswell Bio Corporation Co.,Ltd. may ask for personal information from its customers as part of its provision of various legal services.

Kidswell Bio Corporation strictly complies with laws and regulations governing the protection of personal information and handles all personal information appropriately.

1. Collection of Personal Information

Kidswell Bio Corporation will collect personal information fairly without using fraudulent or other improper methods.

2. Use of Personal Information

Kidswell Bio Corporation uses personal information only when necessary for the following business purposes. Use of customers’ personal information for purposes other than those indicated below will require prior authorization from the customer.

1. Requests for estimates, responses to inquiries or mailing of materials
2. Shipping of ordered products
3. Provision of information related to seminars, products or services

3. Safe Management of Personal Information

Kidswell Bio Corporation takes all necessary and appropriate measures for the safe handling of personal information to prevent leaks, loss or damage.

4. Outsourcing of Personal Information

In the event that Kidswell Bio Corporation outsources all or part of its handling of customers’ personal information to a third party, exhaustive due diligence is conducted and appropriate monitoring of the third party is performed as necessary to ensure the safe management of personal information entrusted to said third party.

Also, in the event that business is conducted in cooperation with a third party pertaining to consulting, privacy mark application or ISMS application affairs, the handling of personal information may be entrusted to a third party.

5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Kidswell Bio Corporation will not provide personal information to a third party without the prior consent of the customer except in cases required by the personal information protection act of Japan or other laws and regulations.

6. Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information

In the event a customer requests disclosure regarding their personal information, Kidswell Bio Corporation will provide this information in a timely manner. However, if Kidswell Bio Corporation is unable to confirm the identity of the person making the request, the information will not be disclosed.

If errors are discovered in personal information, or if a customer requests the correction, addition or deletion of personal information, these requests will be carried out promptly after investigation. However, if Kidswell Bio Corporation is unable to confirm the identity of the person making the request, the information will not be disclosed.

For these and other requests or inquiries regarding Kidswell Bio Corporation’s handling of personal information, please use the following contact information.
[Contact] Kidswell Bio Corporation Co.,Ltd.  
E-mail: info@kidswellbio.com
Tel: +81-3-6222-9547

7. Organization/Structure

Kidswell Bio Corporation strives to ensure the appropriate management of personal information and achieve continuous improvements.

8. Privacy Policy Revisions

Kidswell Bio Corporation may revise this privacy policy when necessary.

With the exception of instances prescribed separately by Kidswell Bio Corporation, revisions to this privacy policy will be effective as of the date they are published on this website.